Monday, April 6, 2009

Regional Qualifier

Regional Qualifier Winners
Steve Willis CrossFit Effects (CFX)Sydney
Tamaryn Venter (CrossFit New Zealand)
Nadine Burns: Ignite Fitness (Sydney)
Chris Hogan: CrossFit Melbourne
3 Rounds
10 C&J 60/40kg;
15 Ring Dips;
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
Post time to comments


  1. Congrats to the finalists. Outstanding effort!

    This work out looks tough. I will give it my best shot. In memory of everyone who did the workout at the qualifier.

    Thanks for making me sick Glenn. I told you i'd get your illness if i was stuck in your car over the weekend. At least it was worth it to watch the games!

    3...2...1... Go!

  2. 11.35 Used 20lbs dumbells on the C&J, very modified ring dips(unable to do a full one at this stage) & 24kg Kettle on the swings.
    Results for this WOD at the Regional qualifiers
    TOP 5 Male
    Stephen Willis 05:49 1
    Robert Dowtown 06:54 2
    Doug Armstrong 06:54 2
    Chris Hogan 07:07 4
    Ben Schwarts 07:44 5
    TOP 5 Females
    Fiona Muxlow 10:51 1
    Nadine Burns 10:53 2
    Alena Hilbert 11:48 3
    Tamaryn Venter 12:20 4
    Rebecca Eastwell 12:41 5

  3. 10.59 for WOD, using: -
    - Axle and tyres for two of the clean and press and 20lbs dumbells on the third
    - Using a mix of 16kg and 20kg kettle bell swings -all the way up
    - Very modified dips on the rings can only get three or four at the start then bent knees on floor to assist

    Excellent workout - and buggerred - particularly as this was WOD #2 after 10mins of 5 chin ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats 100 mtr run repeats (managed 8 or so but didnt really count)

    Thanks Glenn heaps of fun again.

  4. 14.16min C&J 40kg & 24kg bell. Really struggled in 3rd round. Could only manage single reps on dips for the last 5.

  5. 9:59sec

    Clean and Jerk - 40kg Tyre Axle
    Ring dips As rx'd
    Kettle Bell Swings 24kgs and 20kg bell (what ever was free at the time)

    Will be a great workout to do when i recover from the flu. Also doing the 60kg c and J under 15 minutes will be my goal!
