Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rest Day

The Saturday morning group smashed out an AMRAP in 30min
15 Thrusters
20m of walking lunges
A box run with 5burpees, 5pushups, 5situps at every corner
Post loads & rounds to comments.

I thought id put together something about those funny Acronyms & abbreviations we use.
WOD:Workout of the Day.
SDHP:Sumo Deadlift Highpull
Rxd:As Requested, as written.WOD done without any adjustments
OHS:Overhead Squat
AMRAP:As many Rounds as possible
These are some of the main ones we use, but for a complete list "Right click" & open the link in a new window to the FAQ section of the main site.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I get to comment first but not finish the workout first great workout the sunrise helped to make it a beautiful morning to workout.I have done a stack of deep squats my bum should be located just under my shoulder blades!!!!
