Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hubba Bubba

5 Rounds for time

21 Sandbag Squat/Cleans

15 KB Swings

9meter of Burpees

400m run

Post time to comments


  1. Had a pretty hard session today with Sarah. We did "Fight Gone Bad" 3 rounds.
    Veronica as follows:
    Row for Calories
    Wall Ball 6kg
    SDLHP 30kg for 2 rounds and 20kg for 1 round
    Box Jumps - Jumps
    Push Press - 20kg

    Total = 277

    Sarah as follows:
    Row for Calories
    Wall Ball 6kg
    SDLHP 20kg
    Box Jumps - Step Ups
    Push Press - 20kg

    Total = 281

    Well done Sarah!!

    We also did a version of "Cindy" as follows:

    5 Chin Ups
    10 Push Ups - On Toes
    20 Squats

    Veronica Time = 7.55min (I think)
    Sarah's time = I'm not sure, I'll update later.

    Had a great time, and I was completely stuffed afterwards, see you in 2 weeks Sarah.

  2. Great work from both of you, "when we finally got started" Thanks again for bailing me out guys. You definetly bring the best out in each other... Solid effort all round
