Saturday, May 9, 2009

Games Fever

For time
800m run
3rounds of 21-15-9 reps
Box Jumps
Swings 24kg/16kg
SDHP 30kg/20kg
400m run
5X Push-Press
10 XBurpees
200M run

This workout requires you to choose enough resistance on the lifts so that you cant easily exceed the reps prescribed in one go.

Post time/feedback to comments


  1. Full Workout: Today I managed..
    20Kg Kettlebell, Swings & SDHP, 2nd highest box.
    40Lb Dumbbell:PushPress.
    All Up: 20Min 20Sec today.

    I would like to have gone the 24Kg Kettlebell on SDHP and the highest box even just for step ups. Next time !!!
    By the burpees I was wrecked. I'm a 15min wonder..

  2. First go at workout in a group session.
    Did the short version of todays workout and finished in 18 minutes 45 seconds. Not 1st but was aiming for 1st. Did get a good workout, peaked the heartrate moniter at 167 so got plenty of good cardio work, then went home had the weet-bix and coffe now working up the courage to have another go next Saturday.
    Workout was good, recomend it to anyone, even fat old farts like me can do it so whats your excuse.

  3. Great attitude Graham. It was great to see new faces along to the Saturday class. Theres nothing better than seeing a large group of CrossFitters of all different levels going "at it" Over the next couple of weeks we will be anouncing our new timetable, which will include more options with the small groups & opne classes. Stay tuned....

  4. 21.12mins
    Hugh Box jumps
    24kg kettle bell swings
    SDHP 24kg

    24kg push press
    Chest to ground burpees

    Awesome challenge and more drive working with the group. Well done team!
